International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2018, 14(12): 3076-3086 doi: 10.23940/ijpe.18.12.p17.30763086

Design of a Monitoring and Rescheduling System for Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Production

Bailin Wang,a,b, Haifeng Wanga,b, and Tieke Lia,b

a Donlinks School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China

b Engineering Research Center of MES Technology for Iron & Steel Production, Ministry of Education, Beijing, 100083, China

*Corresponding Author(s): * E-mail address:

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A monitoring and rescheduling system for steelmaking and continuous casting (SCC) production is studied with the consideration of three functions as simulation, monitoring, and rescheduling. To classify the knowledge and enhance knowledge reusability, modularity knowledge management is used in this system. In this system, the monitoring and rescheduling knowledge of the SCC production are organized into a two-level tree construction, and a combination of object-oriented and rule-based representations is applied. Moreover, based on the characteristics of monitored disturbances, we present two rescheduling methods named time adjustment and machine reassignment. The former is designed for disturbances with weak influence by utilizing reserved times and flexible factors in the SCC production. The latter reassigns machines based on unused capacities of machines to eliminate serious disturbances. Simulation results demonstrate the proposed rescheduling algorithms are feasible and effective, and the system has well real-time capability to maintain the stability and continuity of SCC production.

Keywords: expert system; rescheduling; monitoring; steelmaking- continuous casting; local repair

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Bailin Wang, Haifeng Wang, Tieke Li. Design of a Monitoring and Rescheduling System for Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Production. International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2018, 14(12): 3076-3086 doi:10.23940/ijpe.18.12.p17.30763086

1. Introduction

As a key and bottle neck process in steel manufacturing, steelmaking and continuous casting (SCC) production play an important role in maintaining production continuity and product quality. SCC production includes three stages: steelmaking, refining, and continuous casting. In each stage, there are several parallel machines, respectively named converters, finery furnaces, and continuous casters. So far, there have been many studies on SCC static scheduling [1-3]. Nevertheless, during production, there exist many random and uncertain factors to affect the actual execution of the pre-decided schedule. Once the monitoring data indicates that the pre-decided schedule will be infeasible in practical production, rescheduling should be carried out to keep the stability and continuity of production. Therefore, the study on SCC monitoring and rescheduling is significant and has gradually attracted the attention of scholars in recent years.

Existing studies on SCC rescheduling can be mainly divided into two classes. One class explores a targeted rescheduling method for a specific disturbance, and the other class finds a general or integrated method for most disturbances.

In terms of rescheduling for one specific disturbance, Zhang et al. [4] mapped SCC rescheduling for quality disturbance to a dynamic constraint satisfaction problem (DCSP) and built a DCSP model to minimize the differences in machine assignment, starting times, and processing times between the new and original schedules. Yu and Pan [5] considered an operation time delay disturbance and presented a three-stage rescheduling method including batches splitting, forward scheduling, and backward scheduling. Mao et al. [6] studied a SCC rescheduling problem with machine breakdown and processing time variations with two objectives in terms of efficiency and stability and developed a time-index formulation and an effective Lagrangian relaxation approach. Some scholars have focused on rescheduling strategies for a variety of disturbances, trying to find some similarities among disturbance influences and rescheduling strategies. Ouelhadj et al. [7] described a new model for robust predictive/reactive SCC scheduling based on multi-agents, tabu search, and heuristics, and they presented three measures including robustness, utility, and stability. Hou and Li [8] analyzed typical disturbances and their effects on shop floor, put forward repair procedures for these disturbances, and then proposed a repair strategy for machine failure. These studies have laid the foundation for the study of general/integrated rescheduling methods.

A general/integrated rescheduling method takes one algorithm or integrates a few algorithms against a vast majority of disturbances. Chen et al. [9] presented a directed network model to describe the SCC process, in which rescheduling is driven by disturbances mechanism and recalculated by a backward and hybrid intelligent algorithm; furthermore, a real-time scheduling system was established. Tang et al. [10] proposed an improved differential evolution algorithm with a real-coded matrix representation for each individual of the population, presented a two-step method to generate an initial population, and put forward a new mutation strategy. Hao et al. [11] classified all unexpected events into two categories, critical events and noncritical events, and developed a soft-decision-based two-layered approach with a particle swarm optimization for offline layer and a heuristic for online layer. Zheng et al. [12] indicated that the key points of SCC dynamic scheduling are the connection problems between two adjacent schedules, the matching problem between the schedule and the production material, and the deviation elimination problem between the executing schedule and the practical production data.

The theoretical research on SCC rescheduling is in its initial exploration stage, especially in terms of general/integrated rescheduling methods. To explore the integrated rescheduling models and algorithms, this paper present a system model and rescheduling algorithms to monitor and reschedule SCC production. They can infer production situation in real time, detect disturbances and give alarms in time, and apply an appropriate rescheduling algorithm to eliminate disturbance effects, thereby maintaining the stability and continuity of SCC production. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a system framework. Section 3 details the modularity knowledge management approach in this system. In Section 4, the reasoning process of this monitoring and rescheduling system is proposed. Section 5 designs two algorithms according to the disturbance type and influencing degree. In Section 6, simulation experiments are carried out. Section 7 concludes the paper with a short summary.

2. System Framework

SCC is a semi-continuous manufacturing, and a heat in steelmaking corresponds to a job in the scheduling problem. Heats (Jobs) are discretely produced in the steelmaking and refining stages and continuously produced in the casting stage by composing several batches called casts in steel production (Figure 1). Generally, containment relationships between casts and heats are already determined in a casting plan, and SCC scheduling arranges machines and time variables for each heat in accordance with the casting plan. SCC production is under the environment of high temperature with complex physical and chemical changes of steel, and it has no buffer between any two consecutive stages. There are many unexpected and uncertainty factors in the production, such as time variations, machine fault, and quality fluctuations. Therefore, monitoring and rescheduling (MRS) for SCC is essential during the production period. In MRS for SCC, once a disturbance happens, a quick response to repair the original schedule must be offered to ensure the stability and continuity of production.

Figure 1

Figure 1.   Flow chart of the SCC production

Based on the above analysis, the monitoring and rescheduling system for SCC (MRS-SCC) in this paper contains three main functions:

$\cdot$ Simulation function: dynamically simulate production situations in workshops;

$\cdot$ Monitoring function: monitor the real-time status of jobs and machines and give an alarm when a disturbance occurs;

$\cdot$ Rescheduling function: exploit rescheduling algorithms for disturbances and select an appropriate algorithm while an emergency happens.

Three typical kinds of disturbances in SCC production are considered in this system: (a) time variation, including the earliness or tardiness of starting times and the shortening or extension of processing times; (b) machine fault, such as machine breakdowns and temporary maintenance; (c) quality fluctuations, such as abnormal temperatures or components of molten steel.

The system MRS-SCC is designed as an expert system and developed on a G2 real-time intelligent expert system platform. In the G2 platform, an object-oriented modeling mechanism and rule-based reasoning technique are applied to build a wide range of knowledge models that can be dealt with automatically [13]. At present, this system platform has been widely used in control and monitoring, fault analysis, optimization simulation, and so on [14].

3. Knowledge Base

To classify the knowledge in MRS-SCC and enhance knowledge reusability, modularity management is introduced to this system to organize monitoring and rescheduling knowledge into a two-level tree construction, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

Figure 2.   System structure and its module hierarchy

The knowledge in MRS-SCC is divided into three types: (a) workshop knowledge focusing on processing characteristics of SCC; (b) monitor knowledge for uninterruptedly monitoring production situation; (c) rescheduling knowledge with rescheduling strategies and algorithms. These types of knowledge represent three abstract conceptions of the problem, and they are independent of each other to form three knowledge modules in the bottom level of the system. The module called MRS Module in the top level integrates the three types of knowledge to completely describe and simulate SCC dynamic production environment.

To represent the knowledge effectively, the object-oriented and production-rule-based representations are combined to build a knowledge network for monitoring and rescheduling.

3.1. Workshop Module in Bottom Level

The Workshop Module is composed of the knowledge about production process features in the SCC workshop. Object-oriented representation is applied in this module to describe production entities and their production technology knowledge.

There are mainly two kinds of entities as machines and heats. Machines can be further divided into converters, finery furnaces, and casters. Therefore, four classes are defined in this module, respectively named CONVERTER, FINERY, CASTER, and HEAT. Attributes of each class representing technical parameters of the entity are defined based on disturbance types and flexible processes in SCC production.

Considering the three disturbances as time variation, machine fault, and quality fluctuation, HEAT concerns parameters of temperature, component, weight, and steel grade, and the focus of three machine classes is their processing statuses with the three values of busy, free, and breakdown. During SCC production, processing times of a heat in refining and casting stages are flexible, and they canbe exploited as flexible factors on rescheduling. The maximum and minimum processing times in the refining stage are related to the processed heat, and those in the casting stage are determined by the casting speed of the caster. Thus, the upper bound and lower bound of the refining time are set as attributes of HEAT, and the casting speed is set as an attribute of CASTER.

Definitions of classes and their attributes are listed in Table 1. In Table 1, the icon of each entity is designed for visual simulation.

Table 1.   Class definitions in Workshop Module

Class NameIconAttributes
HEATTemperature; Component; Weight; Steel-Grade; Fine-Upper (upper bound of refining time); Fine-Lower(lower bound of refining time)
CONVERTERPd-States (processing status of the converter)
FINERYPd-States (processing status of the finery furnace)
CASTERPd-States (processing status of the continuous caster); Casting-Speed

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3.2. Monitor Module in Bottom Level

To enhance independence and reusability, a monitoring function is separately abstracted to form a monitor module. In this module, a conceptual class called MONITOR is defined to represent general characteristics and actions of monitored entity. There are six attributes of MONITOR: Description, Mon-States (status of the monitored entity), Expect (expect value), Actual (actual value), Variation (difference between the actual value and expect value), and Threshold. In the above attributes, values of Describe, Expect, and Threshold are known in advance; Actual values are timely updated by production data from PCS; and Variation and Mon-States values are inferred from Actual, Expect, and Threshold values. Consequently, there are some procedures for MONITOR, and the main ones are shown below.

$\cdot$ Mon-Calculate-Variation(class MONITOR): Calculate the Variation value as the difference between the Actual and Expect values.

$\cdot$ Mon-Calculate-Status(class MONITOR): Assign a value belonging to {normal, high, low} to Mon-States according to the Variation and Threshold values.

$\cdot$ Monitor-Events(class MONITOR): Deal with the disturbance according to the Mon-State value. This procedure is empty in MONITOR and would be overridden in its child classes to meet different requirements of the corresponding monitored entity.

Executions of the above procedures are triggered by production rules, which are based on an event-driven based reasoning mechanism. For example, the update of the Mon-Status value of any MONITORinstance by Rule1 will trigger Rule2.

$\cdot$ Rule1: If the Actual of any MONITOR M receives a value

Then in order start Mon-Calculate-Variation(M) and start Mon-Calculate- Status(M)

$\cdot$ Rule2: If the Mon-Status of any MONITOR M is not “normal”

Then start Monitor-Events(M)

3.3. Rescheduling Module in Bottom Level

The most important knowledge in this system is the rescheduling knowledge, including two aspects: scheduling problem description and rescheduling models. The SCC scheduling problem can be abstracted as a special hybrid flowshop scheduling (HFS); hence, the Rescheduling Module is developed for a general HFS for reusability.

In the Rescheduling Module, the following classes are defined: SCHEDULE, JOB, OPERATION, MACHINE, and DISTURBANCE. Considering the three main types of disturbances, three subclasses of DISTURBANCE are further defined. The class diagram is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

Figure 3.   Class diagram in Rescheduling Module

3.4. MRS Module in Top Level

In this system, independent pieces of knowledge in the three bottom modules are integrated in the top module, the MRS Module, by multiple inheritances of classes in bottom modules, as Figure 4 shows.

Figure 4

Figure 4.   Inheritance of MRS Module

In the MRS Module, according to disturbance characteristics in SCC production, monitoring approaches are defined by the inheritance of the class Monitor in the Monitor Module.

$\cdot$ To monitor steel temperatures, in the class SCH-HEAT inherited from MONITOR, the attribute Description is set as “steel temperature”; Expect values are updated automatically by values of Steel-Grade and Job-Status; Actual values are the real-time data collected from PCS.

$\cdot$ Starting times of heats are monitored by the time at which Job-Num value of SCH-MACHINE is changed.

$\cdot$ To monitor processing times, in the class SCH-MACHINE inherited from MONITOR, Description is set as the “processing time for the current job”; Expect and Actual values are respectively the anticipated and actual completion times of operations on this machine.

$\cdot$ To monitoring machine status, whether the machine is busy or available is inferred by the tracking information of ladles from PCS; the fault status is acquired by defining a variable Breakdown-Var to receive machine fault conditions from PCS.

Furthermore, a dynamic simulation interface of the SCC production is designed in the MRS Module (see Section 6). Rules for simulation are defined to infer logistics only by one type of external data, ladle position, thereby decreasing data transmission with external systems.

Consequently, the MRS Module integrates function knowledge in bottom modules by defining and inheriting classes and production rules, so that the functions of simulation, monitoring, and rescheduling are realized in this system.

4. Inference Engine

Rule-based reasoning (RBR) is used in this system with a G2 inference engine. Two reasoning strategies are applied as forward reasoning and backward reasoning. The forward reasoning responds to updated data and real-time events, and the backward reasoning calls other rules or procedures. The reasoning process of this system is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5

Figure 5.   Reasoning process of this monitoring and rescheduling system

5. Rescheduling Algorithms

5.1. Scheduling Problem Analysis

The SCC scheduling problem is a special hybrid flowshop problem. Denoting the operation of Heat i in Stage j by Oij, the processing time and starting time of Oij by ptij and stij respectively, the ordered sequence of operations on Machine k in Stage j by Sjk, and the ith operation in Sjk by Sjk(i), the following constraints should be satisfied for SCC scheduling, where the decision variables are stij and Sjk, and for rescheduling, ptij is also a variable.

Temporal constraints. A heat cannot be processed in a stage until the processing of this heat in the precedent stage is finished, as shown in Equation (1).

$s{{t}_{ij}}+p{{t}_{ij}}\le s{{t}_{i\text{,}j+1}}\text{, }\forall i,j$

Machine resource constraints. One operation must be assigned and only assigned to one machine in every stage. On each machine, only if one heat is completed can the next operation be started, as Equations (2)-(4) show.

$\underset{k}{\mathop{\cap }}\,{{S}_{jk}}=\varnothing ,\text{ }\forall j$
$\underset{k}{\mathop{\cup }}\,{{S}_{jk}}=\left\{ {{O}_{ij}}\left| \forall i \right. \right\},\text{ }\forall j$
$s{{t}_{{{S}_{jk}}\left( i \right),j}}+p{{t}_{{{S}_{jk}}\left( i \right),j}}\le s{{t}_{{{S}_{jk}}\left( i+1 \right),j}}\text{, }\forall i,j,k$

Continuous casting constraints. Heats in the same cast must be continuous processing in the casting stage. Defining s as the last stage, i.e. casting stage, CST as the cast set, and CSTl as the operation set in Cast l, where $l\in CST$, Equation (5) can be obtained.

$s{{t}_{cs{{t}_{l}}\left( i \right),s}}+p{{t}_{cs{{t}_{l}}\left( i \right),s}}=s{{t}_{cs{{t}_{l}}\left( i+1 \right),s}},\text{ }\forall i,l$

There are two kinds of decision variables: time variables and machine assignment variables. Accordingly, SCC rescheduling mainly repairs time and machines for heats, and for different types of disturbances, repairing approaches should be different.

In this system, while the effect of a disturbance is weak, such as the delay of processing times and a little fault time of a machine, only starting times and processing times need to be modified; conversely, for the large effect of a disturbance such as a serious machine failure, machine reassignment will be carried out to ensure continuous processing. In addition, disturbances of quality fluctuations including temperature and steel grade can be eliminated by adjusting the refining time, so that those disturbances can be transformed into processing time variations in the refining stage.

Therefore, we present two rescheduling algorithms: Time Adjustment (TA) and Machine Reassignment (MR). Table 2 shows the correspondence between disturbances and rescheduling algorithms in MRS-SCC.

Table 2.   Correspondence between disturbances and rescheduling algorithms

Time variationTime Adjustment
Machine faultDuration <= Threshold (weak influence): Time Adjustment
Duration > Threshold (serious influence): Machine Reassignment
Quality fluctuationTime Adjustment (Process parameters should be adjusted in advance)

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5.2. Time Adjustment (TA)

The algorithm Time Adjustment (TA) takes full account of reserved time of operations to modify starting times and processing times of directly or indirectly affected heats and takes advantage of flexible processes in SCC production to ensure continuous casting. The details are shown below.

(1) Modifying starting times

Modification of starting times begins with the directly affected operation, and then recursively delay starting times of succeed operations in temporal constraints and machine resource constraints by the utility of reserved time.

Step 1 Set the directly affected operation as the conflict operation ${{O}_{ij}}$, and repair its starting time or processing time according to the disturbance.

Step 2 Calculate the latest starting times of the conflict operation ${{O}_{ij}}$ as $ls{{t}_{i}}=s{{t}_{i,j+1}}-{{p}_{ij}}$, which is relative to ${{O}_{i,j+1}}$, and $ls{{t}_{j}}=s{{t}_{kj}}-{{p}_{ij}}$ to ${{O}_{kj}}$, where ${{O}_{kj}}$ is the operation processed after ${{O}_{ij}}$ in the same machine.

Step 3 If $s{{{t}'}_{ij}}\le ls{{t}_{i}}$, the reversed time between ${{O}_{ij}}$ and ${{O}_{i,j+1}}$ is large enough to eliminate the influence of time delay, and thus no modification is required for the starting time of ${{O}_{i,j+1}}$; otherwise, mark ${{O}_{i,j+1}}$ as the conflict operation and set the delay of starting time as $\Delta t=s{{{t}'}_{ij}}-ls{{t}_{i}}$ and $s{{{t}'}_{i\text{,}j+1}}=s{{t}_{i\text{,}j+1}}+\Delta t$. In the same way, determine the relationship between $s{{{t}'}_{ij}}$ and $ls{{t}_{j}}$, and then calculate the starting time of ${{O}_{kj}}$.

Step 4 Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until there is no conflict operation.

(2) Adjusting process parameters

SCC production has a special requirement of group processing in the casting stage. The above procedure to modify starting times may go against continuous casting constraints; hence, flexible factors in refining and casting stages can be exploited to maintain the continuous processing in the casting stage: in the refining stage, the processing times is flexible with restrictions of maximum and minimum values; in the casting stages, the casting speed of casters can be adjusted to change processing times. Therefore, the procedure of adjusting process parameters is designed to satisfy continuous casting constraints, shown as follows.

Step 1 Detect whether a cast in the new schedule satisfies continuous casting constraints. If it does not, then go to Step 2;otherwise, go to Step 4.

Step 2 If the starting time of the cast is later than the disturbance time, then delay its starting time; otherwise, shorten the refining time of the interrupted heat and go to Step 3.

Step 3 If the continuous casting constraints of this cast are still violated, then reduce the casting speed to extend casting times of precede heats in the same cast. Denote the total processing time of this cast by PT, the duration of interruption time by $\Delta t$, and the current casting speed by v. The speed of the casting machine should be reduced to ${v}'=\left( PT/PT+\Delta t \right)\times v$.

Step 4 Repeat Steps 1-3 until all the casts satisfy the continuous casting constraints.

5.3. Machine Reassignment (MR)

For serious disturbances, Machine Reassignment (MR) for affected operations is needed. In this system, the rescheduling strategy of local repair is applied to reassign machines for operations in the disturbance stage.

Step 1 Generate rescheduling operation set A.

Define ${{t}_{b}}$ and ${{t}_{r}}$ as the starting time and finishing time of the disturbance. The rescheduling operation set A includes all the operations that are planned to be processed in the disturbed stage ${{j}_{b}}$ during $\left[ {{t}_{b}},{{t}_{r}} \right]$, shown in Equation(6).

$A=\left\{ {{O}_{ij}}\left| \left( j={{j}_{b}} \right)\wedge \left( \left( s{{t}_{ij}}\ge {{t}_{b}}\wedge s{{t}_{ij}}<{{t}_{r}} \right) \right. \right. \right.\left. \left. \vee \left( s{{t}_{ij}}+p{{t}_{ij}}>{{t}_{b}}\wedge s{{t}_{ij}}+p{{t}_{ij}}\le {{t}_{r}} \right) \right) \right\}$

Step 2 Reassign machines in the stage ${{j}_{b}}$ to operations in the set A.

(1) Select the operation ${{O}_{ij}}$ that has the smallest starting time in the set A.

(2) ${{t}_{1}}=\max \left\{ s{{t}_{ij}},{{t}_{b}} \right\}$; ${{t}_{2}}=\min \left\{ s{{t}_{ij}}+p{{t}_{ij}},{{t}_{r}} \right\}$.

(3) Calculate unused capacities of all the running machines in the stage ${{j}_{b}}$ during $\left[ {{t}_{1}},{{t}_{2}} \right]$ by Equation(7), where $ca{{p}_{k}}$ is the unused capacity of the machine k.

$ca{{p}_{k}}=\left( {{t}_{2}}-{{t}_{1}} \right)-\sum\limits_{i\in {{S}_{{{j}_{b}}k}}}{\max \left\{ \left( \min \left\{ s{{t}_{ij}}+p{{t}_{ij}},{{t}_{2}} \right\}-\max \left\{ s{{t}_{ij}},{{t}_{1}} \right\} \right),0 \right\}}$

(4) Assign the machine with the maximum unused capacity to ${{O}_{ij}}$.

(5) Remove ${{O}_{ij}}$ from the set A. If $A\ne \varnothing $, then go to Step 2(1); otherwise, go to Step 3.

Step 3 Detecting and resolving conflicts.

(1) Detect whether starting times of operations on a running machine in the stage ${{j}_{b}}$ satisfy machine resource constraints.

(2) If they do not, find the conflict operation that has the earliest starting time and delay its starting time, and then call the algorithm TA to repair succeed operations.

(3) Repeat this step until all the machines in the stage ${{j}_{b}}$ have been detected.

6. Simulation Experiments

This system is developed on the G2 platform, and experiments are carried out on the data in Guo and Li [15]. They considered a steel mill with three converters, three finery furnaces, and three casters, and they gave a schedule for 18 heats and 3 casts (Table 3).

Table 3.   Data of the original schedule


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In the experiments, processing time, machine status, and steel temperature are monitored. As Figure 6 shows, in this monitoring and rescheduling system, the simulation interface SCHEDULING-GUI dynamically simulates production situation, and values of important attributes are shown in real time. While a disturbance occurs, an alarm is given in the message board MESSAGE-BOARD. Moreover, dynamical curve graphs of machine statuses are provided to indicate the utilization conditions of machines. These interfaces can assist schedulers in mastering the production situation timely.

Figure 6

Figure 6.   Simulation interface

Consider the disturbance in which pt72 increases by 15min. An instance of the class TIME-FLCT is generated, and then the algorithm TA is carried out. Results are shown in Table 4, and parts of attribute values are shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7

Figure 7.   Rescheduled operation set and rescheduling data for processing time extension

Table 4.   Rescheduling data for the disturbance of processing time extension

Uncompleted Oij (33)Succeed Oij (19)Rescheduling results
O72, O13,2, O14,2O62, O16,2, O18,2, O73, O83, O93, O10,3, O11,3, O12,3, O13,3, O14,3, O15,3, O16,3, O17,3, O18,3, O63, O32, O42, O52, O15,2, O12,2, O82, O92, O10,2, O11,2, O17,2, O23, O33, O43, O53O72, O13,2, O14,2O62, O16,2, O18,2, O73, O83, O93, O10,3, O11,3, O12,3, O13,3, O14,3, O15,3, O16,3, O17,3, O18,3, O63O72:pt72=55;O73:st73=155;

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It can be seen from Table 4 that when this disturbance occurs, there is a total of 33 uncompleted operations, and 19 out of those 33 operations have directly or indirectly constraint relationships with O72. In TA, only one processing time and six starting times are repaired, which is much less than the number of succeed operations. This indicates that TA can effectively decrease the number of rescheduled operations and reduce unnecessary delays of starting times.

Now, consider the breakdown of the machine Converter-2 at 125min. The estimated maintenance time is 35min. It is clear that the production of Heat 13 on that fault machine is interrupted, so that the algorithm MR is selected for rescheduling. Results are shown in Table 5, and parts of attribute values of the disturbance instance are shown in Figure 8.

Table 5.   Rescheduling results for the disturbance of machine breakdown

MachineConverter#1 for O13,1
st$s{{t}_{13,1}}=160$; $s{{t}_{14,1}}=195$; $s{{t}_{15,1}}=230$; $s{{t}_{62}}=255$; $s{{t}_{13,2}}=195$; $s{{t}_{14,2}}=230$; $s{{t}_{15,2}}=265$; $s{{t}_{23}}=131$; $s{{t}_{33}}=167$; $s{{t}_{43}}=203$; $s{{t}_{53}}=239$; $s{{t}_{62}}=275$; $s{{t}_{13,3}}=225$; $s{{t}_{14,3}}=265$; $s{{t}_{15,3}}=305$; $s{{t}_{16,3}}=345$; $s{{t}_{17,3}}=375$; $s{{t}_{18,3}}=405$
pt$p{{t}_{62}}=20$; $p{{t}_{13}}=p{{t}_{23}}=p{{t}_{33}}=p{{t}_{43}}=p{{t}_{53}}=36$

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Figure 8

Figure 8.   Operation set A and machine reassignment data for machine breakdown

In MR, the machine assignment approach on unused machine capacities is applied to changing the converter of Heat 13 and delaying the starting times of operations that have constraint relationships with this heat. After that, there is a 30min time lag between O53 and O63 in Cast 1 that started its casting at the disturbance time; thus, the refining time of Heat 6 is reduced to the minimum value of 20min, and the starting time of the casting is setas$s{{t}_{63}}=275$. However, a 5min time lag still exists, hence the casting speed of Caster-1 needs to be adjusted. The original and required total processing times of Cast-1 are 145min and 150min respectively; hence, the casting speed of Caster-1 should be reduced to 0.97 times of the original speed. From the new schedule, it can be seen that only one operation changes its converter, the starting times of 19 operations are adjusted, and the processing times of six operations are repaired. The above results indicate that MR can reasonably reassign machines and take full advantage of reserved times in the original schedule and flexible factors in the production process.

Consequently, the monitoring and rescheduling system for SCC production in this paper can perform optimally in simulation, monitoring, and rescheduling, and the proposed rescheduling algorithms are feasible and effective for multiple types of disturbances.

7. Conclusions

SCC is a high continuity process with complex chemical reactions and physical changes. Therefore, the quick response capability of its monitoring and rescheduling (MRS) system is significant. In this paper, a monitoring and rescheduling system for SCC production is exploited on a G2 expert system platform to implement three functions as simulation, monitoring, and rescheduling. This system is comprised of knowledge base, inference engine, and interface. In the knowledge base, to classify production knowledge and enhance knowledge reusability, modularity management is taken to organize MRS knowledge of SCC into a two-level tree construction, where the three modules workshop, monitor, and rescheduling are built in the bottom level, and integrated knowledge forms the MRS Module in the top level. To express the knowledge flexibly, a combination of object-oriented and production-rule-based representations is applied. In the inference engine, rule-based reasoning is used to respond to updated data and real-time events and trigger other rules or procedures. Moreover, three typical kinds of disturbances, which include time variations, machine fault, and quality fluctuations, are considered and classified into weak disturbances and serious disturbances, and two rescheduling algorithms are presented. One algorithm for weak disturbances only repairs time variables by utilizing reserved times and flexible factors in SCC production. The other algorithm is designed for serious disturbances to reassign machines based on unused machine capacities. Simulation experiments illustrated that this system can dynamically monitor and simulate production situation and reschedule in time while a disturbance occurs, thereby ensuring the stability and continuity of SCC production.

Due to the modularity management of knowledge, this system has good flexibility and scalability. In the practical application, new types of disturbances and rescheduling algorithms can be constantly expanded to the knowledge base of this system, thereby enhancing quick response capability to different types of emergency events in the production process. Thiswill be further explored in future works.


This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71701016, 71471015), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (No. 9174038), the Humanity and Social Science Youth Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No. 17YJC630143), and the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities (No. FRF-BD-17-009A).


S. Jiang, M. Liu, J. Hao, W. Qian , “

A Bi-Layer Optimization Approach for a Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problem Involving Controllable Processing Times in the Steelmaking Industry

,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 87, pp. 518-531, 2015

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A steelmaking-continuous casting (SCC) scheduling problem is an example of complex hybrid flow shop scheduling problem (HFSSP) with a strong industrial background. This paper investigates the SCC scheduling problem that involves controllable processing times (CPT) with multiple objectives concerning the total waiting time, earliness/tardiness and adjusting cost. The SCC scheduling problem with CPT is seldom discussed in the existing literature. This study is motivated by the practical situation of a large integrated steel company in which the just-in-time (JIT) and cost-cutting production strategy have become a significant concern. To address this complex HFSSP, the scheduling problem is decomposed into two subproblems: a parallel machine scheduling problem (PMSP) in the last stage and an HFSSP in the upstream stages. First, a hybrid differential evolution (HDE) algorithm combined with a variable neighborhood decomposition search (VNDS) is proposed for the former subproblem. Second, an iterative backward list scheduling (IBLS) algorithm is presented to solve the latter subproblem. The effectiveness of this bi-layer optimization approach is verified by computational experiments on well-designed and real-world scheduling instances. This study provides a new perspective on modeling and solving practical SCC scheduling problems.

K. Mao, Q.K. Pan, X. Pang, T. Chai , “

A Novel Lagrangian Relaxation Approach for a Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problem in the Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Process

,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 236, No. 1, pp. 51-60, 2014

DOI:10.1016/j.ejor.2013.11.010      URL    

One of the largest bottle necks in iron and steel production is the steelmaking-continuous casting (SCC) process, which consists of steel-making, refining and continuous casting. The SCC scheduling is a complex hybrid flowshop (HFS) scheduling problem with the following features: job grouping and precedence constraints, no idle time within the same group of jobs and setup time constraints on the casters. This paper first models the scheduling problem as a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem with the objective of minimizing the total weighted earliness/tardiness penalties and job waiting. Next, a Lagrangian relaxation (LR) approach relaxing the machine capacity constraints is presented to solve the MIP problem, which decomposes the relaxed problem into two tractable subproblems by separating the continuous variables from the integer ones. Additionally, two methods, i.e., the boundedness detection method and time horizon method, are explored to handle the unboundedness of the decomposed subproblems in iterations. Furthermore, an improved subgradient level algorithm with global convergence is developed to solve the Lagrangian dual (LD) problem. The computational results and comparisons demonstrate that the proposed LR approach outperforms the conventional LR approaches in terms of solution quality, with a significantly shorter running time being observed. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Y. Tan and S. Liu, “

Models and Optimization Approaches for Scheduling Steelmaking-Refining-Continuous Casting Production Under Variable Electricity Price

,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol.52, No. 4, pp. 1032-1049, 2014

DOI:10.1080/00207543.2013.828179      URL     [Cited within: 1]

This paper studies the steelmaking efining ontinuous casting (SRCC) scheduling problem with considering variable electricity price (SRCCSPVEP). SRCC is one of the critical production processes for steel manufacturing and energy intensive. Combining the technical rules used in iron-steel production practice, time-dependent electricity price is considered to reduce the electricity cost and the associate production cost. A decomposition approach is proposed for the SRCCSPVEP. Without considering the electrical factor, the first phase applies the mathematical programming method to determine the relative schedule plan for each cast. In the second phase, we formulate a scheduling problem of all casts subject to resource constraint and time-dependent electricity price. A heuristic algorithm combined with the constraint propagation is developed to solve this scheduling problem. To investigate and measure the performance of the proposed approach, numerous instances are randomly generated according to the collective data from a well-known iron-steel plant in China. Computational results demonstrate that our algorithm is very efficient and effective in providing high-quality scheduling plans, and the electricity cost can be reduced for the iron-steel plant.

C. Zhang, T. Li, B. Wang, W. Zhang, B. Sun , “

Dynamic Modeling Method for the Scheduling Problem in Steelmaking-Continuous Casting with Disturbance of Product Quality

,” Energy Procedia, Vol. 13, pp. 253-261, 2011

[Cited within: 1]

S. Yu and Q. Pan, “

A Rescheduling Method for Operation Time Delay Disturbance in Steelmaking and Continuous Casting Production Process

,” International Journal of Iron and Steel Research, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp. 33-41, 2012

DOI:10.1016/S1006-706X(13)60029-1      URL     [Cited within: 1]

In the steelmaking and continuous casting (SMCC) production process, operation time delay may lead to casting break or processing conflict so that the initial scheduling plan becomes unrealizable. Existing research methods are difficult to guarantee the accuracy of the model and successful application to actual applications. The rescheduling problem in response to operation time delay is firstly analyzed. This is then followed by the establishment of a novel multi-objective nonlinear programming model (MONPM). In specifications, a three-stage rescheduling method is proposed including the batches splitting (BS), forward scheduling method (FSM) and backward scheduling method (BSM). As a result, the real-time application shows that the proposed rescheduling method efficiently ensures the continuous casting and dramatically shortens the redundant waiting time for molten steel in very short rescheduling time.

K. Mao, Q.K. Pan, X. Pang, T. Chai , “

An Effective Lagrangian Relaxation Approach for Rescheduling a Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Process

,” Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 30, pp. 67-77, 2014

DOI:10.1016/j.conengprac.2014.06.003      URL     [Cited within: 1]

61The SCC rescheduling model is formulated based on time-indexed variables.61An effective LR approach is proposed to address the rescheduling problem.61A two-stage dynamic programming algorithm is presented to solve the batch-level subproblems.61An efficient subgradient algorithm with global convergence is presented to solve the LD problem.

D. Ouelhadj, P. Cowling, S. Petrovic , “

Utility and Stability Measures for Agent-based Dynamic Scheduling of Steel Continuous Casting

,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taiwan, China, 2003

DOI:10.1109/ROBOT.2003.1241592      URL     [Cited within: 1]

This paper describes a new model for robust predictive/reactive scheduling of steel continuous casting based on the use of multi-agents, tabu search and heuristic approaches. A continuous caster agent generates a predictive production schedule taking into account manufacturing requirements and local constraints using tabu search. The predictive schedule is modifies so as to minimize deviation between the performance measure values of the realized and predictive schedules in order to react to real-time events. We propose several schedule-repair and complete reschedule strategies to handle the real-time events, evaluate and compare their performance. The decision as to whether to locally repair the schedule or reschedule from scratch (complete reschedule) is based on three measures: robustness, utility and stability. Utility measures the change in schedule objective following schedule revision. Stability measures the deviation from the original schedule caused by schedule revision to quantify the undesirability of making large changes to the initial predictive schedule unless absolutely necessary. Robustness combines the utility and stability measures. In order to investigate the performance of these measures and strategies, simulation experiments were carried out and results are reported.

D.L. Hou and T. K. Li, “

Analysis of Random Disturbances on Shop Floor in Modern Steel Production Dynamic Environment

,” Procedia Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 663-667, 2012

DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.01.020      URL     [Cited within: 1]

In steel production practice, frequent deviations from a predictive schedule occur when the shop floor experiences various unexpected disturbances and render the schedules inefficient. In this paper, the typical disturbances and their effects on shop floor are studied comprehensively. The general repair procedures are put forward and can be simplified into four generic repair steps which can be used solely or in combination to repair a disruption. These disturbances can be treated as machine failure by virtue of the basic repair steps. Then a repair strategy based on conflict identification and elimination for machine failure is analyzed in detail. At last, a theorem is put forward for proving that a feasible rescheduling scheme can be found by the repair strategy for machine failure.

K. Chen, Z. Zheng, Y. Liu, X. Gao , “

Real-Time Scheduling Method for Steelmaking-Continuous Casting

,” in Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE IEEM, Macau, China, 2010

DOI:10.1109/IEEM.2010.5674363      URL     [Cited within: 1]

In this paper a real-time scheduling method for steelmaking-continuous casting is proposed to improve the flexibility of scheduling. A directed network model is used to describe steelmaking-continuous casting process considering status of workstations and logistics. First, disturbances including four major kinds are advanced to motivate real-time scheduling in steelmaking-continuous casting process. Second, rescheduling during production process is driven by disturbances mechanism and recalculated by backward and hybrid intelligent algorithm. A real-time scheduling system based on this method is established, and verified by a production plan of eight hours. The result shows that it's efficient to real plant production.

L. Tang, Y. Zhao, J. Liu , “

An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Practical Dynamic Scheduling in Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Production

,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 209-225, 2014

DOI:10.1109/TEVC.2013.2250977      URL     [Cited within: 1]

This paper studies a challenging problem of dynamic scheduling in steelmaking-continuous casting (SCC) production. The problem is to re-optimize the assignment, sequencing, and timetable of a set of existing and new jobs among various production stages for the new environment when unforeseen changes occur in the production system. We model the problem considering the constraints of the practical technological requirements and the dynamic nature. To solve the SCC scheduling problem, we propose an improved differential evolution (DE) algorithm with a real-coded matrix representation for each individual of the population, a two-step method for generating the initial population, and a new mutation strategy. To further improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the solution process for dynamic use, an incremental mechanism is proposed to generate a new initial population for the DE whenever a real-time event arises, based on the final population in the last DE solution process. Computational experiments on randomly generated instances and the practical production data show that the proposed improved algorithm can obtain better solutions compared to other algorithms.

J. Hao, M. Liu, S. Jiang, C. Wu , “

A Soft-Decision based Two-Layered Scheduling Approach for Uncertain Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Process

,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 244, No. 3, pp. 966-979, 2015

DOI:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.02.026      URL     [Cited within: 1]

Strong uncertainties is a key challenge for the application of scheduling algorithms in real-world production environments, since the optimized schedule at a time often turns to be deteriorated or even infeasible during its execution due to a large majority of unexpected events. This paper studies the uncertain scheduling problem arising from the steelmaking-continuous casting (SCC) process and develops a soft-decision based two-layered approach (SDA) to cope with the challenge. In our approach, traditional scheduling decisions, i.e. the beginning time and assigned machine for each job at each stage, are replaced with soft scheduling decisions in order to provide more flexibility towards unexpected events. Furthermore, all unexpected events are classified into two categories in terms of the impact degree on scheduling: critical events and non-critical events. In the two-layered solution framework, the upper layer is the offline optimization layer for handling critical events, in which a particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed for generating soft scheduling decisions; while the lower layer is the online dispatching layer for handling non-critical events, where a dispatching heuristic is designed to decide in real time which charge and when to process after a machine becomes available, with the guidance of the soft schedule given by the upper layer. Computational experiments on randomly generated SCC scheduling instances and practical production data demonstrate that the proposed soft-decision based approach can obtain significantly better solutions compared to other methods under strongly uncertain SCC production environments.

Z. Zhong, J. Y. Long, X. Q. Gao . “

Production Scheduling Problems of Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Process in Dynamic Production Environment

,” Journal of Iron and Steel Research (International), Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 586-594, 2017

DOI:10.1016/S1006-706X(17)30089-4      URL     [Cited within: 1]

A concept of production scenario for the steelmaking-continuous casting production process and the mathematical description of such concept were proposed. The production scenario was described with the variation of the equipment status and the production material properties based on the executing production schedule. Then, the dynamic characteristics of the production process could be described with the evolution process of production scenario. Through analyzing the influence of the dynamic production scenario on production scheduling, three key points about the scheduling problems were identified: the problem for integrating the schedules of different batches that is non-neglected when making a schedule, the problem for matching the material flow with the schedule that should be solved when implementing a schedule, and the problem for eliminating the deviations between the initial schedule and implemented schedule that should be solved when rescheduling in a disturbed environment. Finally, a set of experiments were conducted, and the results demonstrated that making the production schedule and solving the rescheduling problem for steelmaking-continuous casting process with addressing the above three problems improve the adaptability of the schedule in dynamic environment.

Gensym Corporation , “

G2 Application Development 1 Overhead Manual (Version 7.0 Rev. 0)

,” Gensym Corporation, USA, 2003

[Cited within: 1]

L. Yao, I. Postlethwaite, W. Browne, D. Gu, M. Mar, S. Lowes , “

Design, Implementation and Testing of an Intelligent Knowledge-based System for the Supervisory Control of a Hot Rolling Mill

,” Journal of Process Control, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 615-628, 2005

DOI:10.1016/j.jprocont.2005.03.003      URL     [Cited within: 1]

This paper describes the design, implementation and testing of an intelligent knowledge-based supervisory control (IKBSC) system for a hot rolling mill process. A novel architecture is used to integrate an expert system with an existing supervisory control system and a new optimization methodology for scheduling the soaking pits in which the material is heated prior to rolling. The resulting IKBSC system was applied to an aluminium hot rolling mill process to improve the shape quality of low-gauge plate and to optimise the use of the soaking pits to reduce energy consumption. The results from the trials demonstrate the advantages to be gained from the IKBSC system that integrates knowledge contained within data, plant and human resources with existing model-based systems.

D. Guo and T. Li, “

Constraint Satisfaction-based Method for Steelmaking- Continuous Casting Production Scheduling Problem

,” Information and Control, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 753-758, 2005

URL     [Cited within: 1]

A constraint satisfaction model is established for steelmaking-continuous casting production scheduling problem with parallel machines in each processing stage.By analyzing the characteristics of the problem,we reduce it to a problem of minimizing the operation's starting time deviation.In the solving process,the temporal feasible initial schedule is constructed firstly by using variable selection and value selection heuristic,then the resource conflicts are checked by conflict checking algorithm and are repaired by backward pruning combinational algorithm until a consis-tent final solution is achieved.The validity of the proposed constraint satisfaction-based method is demonstrated by the data experiment.
