Editorial policy
Editorial Aim
A good journal is one that publishes quality papers in the shortest possible time. It is indeed true that a large number of scientific journals suffer from long publication times of otherwise acceptable papers. This delay restricts novel ideas from being disseminated quickly in this fast-moving world and inhibits the growth of healthy research environments where time is a key factor of intensification. Moreover, long publication times frustrate both the producers and consumers of serious research. The International Journal of Performability Engineering (IJPE) aims to pursue the goal of rapid publication of quality papers by involving active researchers in the review process, since the quality of a published paper to a large extent depends on a timely and effective refereeing process. In addition, we have certain requirements and recommendations for authors that are designed to minimize publication delays. Active and diligent cooperation from the editors, reviewers, and authors can reduce the time from submission to publication.
Editorial Requirements
A paper contributed to IJPE must be original in content, and it may be both: (1) a theoretical concept or based on any practical application, (2) related to the area of dependability or sustainability. A report or a case study with experimental results is also welcome.
The prime requirements of a paper will be that it
● makes a significant and original contribution or contains a new idea that has specific engineering applications
● is within the scope of the journal
● has not been published previously
Contributions from all constituent areas of performability engineering (refer to Scope of the Journal) are welcome. The language of the journal is in English.
IJPE does not allow multiple publications of the same paper. Submission of a manuscript implies a tacit understanding that the paper or its variant is not under active consideration of publication by any other journal and will not be sent for publication to any other journal, unless IJPE decides not to publish it.
A paper of acceptable quality is also one that is written in a manner that is precise and straightforward. Authors must devote adequate attention and time to structuring, organizing, and presenting their ideas. Long and verbose papers have a lower probability of acceptance and may involve a long publication time.
Authors should format their papers according to the required IJPE publication template.
All submissions must be made via the IJPE submission site.
Initial appraisal of a submitted manuscript is done by the Editor-in-Chief with respect to its scope, quality, and standard. A plagiarism check and format check will also be conducted. If it is deemed acceptable, the paper will be sent out to at least two reviewers from the area for technical comments. English writing of all the papers that pass the technical evaluation will have to be examined to ensure good and effective communication.
After a paper has been refereed, the decision on its acceptance and the reviewers’ comments are generally sent to the corresponding author unless specially requested otherwise.
Should a paper be found acceptable on the condition of its revision, the corresponding author can expedite publication by returning the revised paper as early as possible. Publication time can be further reduced should the author choose to prepare it according to the specifications of IJPE.
If considered necessary, the revised paper may sometimes be referred back to the reviewers for their final review.
2018-11-08 Visited: