The International Journal of Performability Engineering (IJPE) is a refereed international journal of the 21st century and invites papers on theoretical as well as practical aspects of quality, reliability, security, safety, and maintainability of systems (software and hardware), products, and services.
The topics of interest include, but not limited to:
- ● System (software and hardware) quality assurance: verification, validation, and testing; debugging; metrics and measurement; security and safety evaluation; intrusion detection and prevention; fault tolerant and disaster recovery; dependable computing, survivability, and resilience; data protection and privacy; vulnerability discovery; penetration analysis; malware detection and analysis; regulatory and standards compliance; monitoring and auditing.
- ● Quality engineering and management: off-line and on-line quality control; statistical/engineering process control; quality planning, improvement, and management; ISO certification; Six Sigma.
- ● Reliability engineering: estimation and prediction methodologies; data analysis and modeling; system reliability design and optimization; reliability/life testing.
- ● Maintenance engineering: replacement, prevention, and prediction; condition-based maintenance strategies and models; corrective maintenance; maintainability design and availability optimization; computerized maintenance management systems; e-maintenance framework.
- ● Techniques and technologies for performance evaluation and improvement: human dimension of performability engineering and management.
- ● Risk perception and analysis: quantitative and probabilistic risk assessment; risk minimization, management, and governance.
- ● Product design and optimization: product life cycle management; product warranty; cost analysis; environmental regulations and directives; use of improved materials; dematerialization in product and/or energy efficient designs.
- ● Industry best practices: application and empirical evaluation; reviews; supporting tools; automation.
Performability engineering is a holistic interdisciplinary approach to optimally engineer dependable and sustainable systems, products, and services.
This journal is covered by Ei-index, SCOPUS (Elsevier’s widely referred Bibliographic Database of the world) for citation and indexing, INSPEC (UK), Google Scholar, ProQuest, etc.
2018-11-08 Visited: