Code Confusion in White Box Crowdsourced Software Testing
Luo Run, Huang Song, Chen Hao, Chen MingYu
Table 2. Directed Acyclic Graph Create Algorithm
Algorithm: Directed Acyclic Graph Create
Function: DAGCreate
Input: Directed acyclic graph olddag with n-1 vertices
Output: The set newdag of directed acyclic graphs with n vertices
1. func DAGCreate (OldDAG *OLGraph) []*OLGraph{
2. result []*OLGraph
3. Create Trie(n-1) // Create a trident tree
4. NewEdges=SearchTree() //Each edge relation of the tree is stored in the frontier series table
5. for _,i:=range NewEdges{
6. g=CopyOLGraph(OldDAG) //Copy the Graph
7. NewDAG=AddNewEdges(g)// Add all new edges
8. if nocyc(NewDAG){ // Judge whether there is a cycle
9. result=append(result,NewDAG)}
10. }
11. return result
12. }