Forecasting Airport Surface Traffic Congestion based on Decision Tree
Zhaoyue Zhang, An Zhang, Cong Sun, Shanmei Li
Table 1 Crowding attribute selection
Attribute name Attribute value
Weather conditions (rain, fog, snow, hail…) 0-No impact, 1-Impact
Time slot 0-Peak, 1-Low peak
Holiday and vacations 0-Y, 1-N
Traffic volume 0-Large, 1-Small
Airport infrastructure integrity 0-Complete, 1-Incomplete
Ability of controllers 0-Outstanding, 1-Average, 2-Poor
Aircraft size 0-Large, 1-Small
Air force restrictions 0-Yes, 1-No
Traffic volume in the previous period 0-Large, 1-Small
Working day 0-Yes, 1-No