Improved Bat Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem
Li Yu,Guo Qian,Liu Jingsen
Bat algorithm pseudo code
Input: Initialize the bat population ${{x}_{i}}$, ${{f}_{i}}$, and ${{v}_{i}}$,$(i=1,2,\cdots ,n)$
1. While$(t<{{T}_{\max }})$;
2. Update velocities and locations;
3. If$(rand>{{r}_{i}})$;
Select a current best solution randomly among the best solutions and generate a local solution around the selected best solution;
5. End if;
6. Generate a new solution randomly;
7. If ($rand<{{A}_{i}}$and $f({{x}_{i}})<f({{x}_{*}})$);
8. $f({{x}_{*}})=f({{x}_{i}})$;
9. Increase ${{r}_{i}}$and reduce ${{A}_{i}}$;
10. End if;
11. Rank the bats and find the current best ${{x}_{*}}$;
12. End while.