Effects of Sci-Tech Innovation and Financial Capital Integration based on SVAR Model
He Ruiya
Table 2 Time series and unit root test of first-order difference sequence
Variable ADF test (T,C,L) Critical value Smooth or not?
LNSC -2.745153 (t, c, 0) -3.277364*** NO
LD -2.469108 (t, c, 1) -3.286909*** NO
LNM -2.861176 (t, c, 1) -3.324976*** NO
LNX -2.180352 (t, c, 0) -2.655194*** NO
LNEX -1.527875 (t, c, 3) -3.310349*** NO
DLNSC -6.500128 (0, c, 1) -4.571559* YES
DLND -2.709937 (0, c, 0) -3.040391** YES
DLNM -5.475011 (0, c, 0) -4.571559* YES
DLNX -5.732749 (0, c, 0) -2.690439*** YES
DLNEX -2.954303 (0, c, 0) -3.040391** YES