Int J Performability Eng ›› 2021, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (7): 569-578.doi: 10.23940/ijpe.21.07.p1.569578

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Optimization of PM Intervals of an Oil Pump using a Generalized Proportional Intensity Model GPIM

Sidali Bachaa,*, Ahmed Bellaouara, Jean-Paul Dronb, and Houssam Lalaa   

  1. aTransport Engineering and Environment Laboratory, Frères Mentouri Constantine 1 University, Constantine, 25000, Algeria;
    bApplied Mechanics Laboratory, University of Reims Champagne Ardenne, Reims, 51100, France

Abstract: Reliability models are effective tools that can be used to improve the operational safety of complex repairable systems (CRS) by scheduling optimal PM intervals to help avoid unforeseen and dangerous system failures. In this study, we applied the generalized proportional intensity model (GPIM) to an actual history of an oil pump that has operated for nearly eight years. This realistic model allows the predictive reliability of the system to be modeled by incorporating several predictive variables such as the effect of preventive (PM) and corrective (CM) maintenance, time since last maintenance action (TSLM), and failure criticality (FC). Based on the maximum likelihood approach, the best fit model was used to plan PM intervals at fixed and variable time horizons. The best PM interval, simulated using MATLAB programming, was chosen based on an economic criterion reflecting the average costs that may result from following this PM interval.

Key words: complex repairable systems, time since last maintenance action (TSLM), failure criticality (FC), generalized proportional intensity model (GPIM), scheduling optimal PM, maximum likelihood approach